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Are you an explorer of inner space, navigating your internal landscape for personal growth & transformation? So are we! And we are glad you found us because we created this app just for you!The EXPANDED STATES app is here to provide you with the practices that will help you tap into your ever-expansive nature, your infinite potential and step into to your next level.You hold the key to all the insights, the healings and breakthroughs within you that you need to step into your next level of expansion. And we want you to not only know that logically, but to FEEL it and experience it yourself. It is our belief that this is what one the most empowering things we can do for ourselves as human beings.This is why we are so passionate and dedicated to sharing potent tools and experiences that will help you connect with your body, tap into your intuition, regulate your nervous system and enter expanded states.Inside the app you will find guided practices:- Breathwork
- Kundalini yoga
- Sacred Sound
- Yoga Nidra
- Somatic tools
- Dream work
- And more

Free content
Upon downloading the app, you will immediately gain access to FREE content to get your journey started. Sign up for our FREE membership (registration required) and gain instant access to even more content that will help you feel enlivened & empowered.
Join our exclusive memberships where you will gain access our portals, courses, actionlists, challenges & workshops to help you build a consistent practice and take your embodiment even deeper. Find out more here:

Explore the inner dimensions of your being, integrate the insights and learnings, embody your truest expression and expand in all areas of life.This is your journey of expansion. Now, it's time to enter EXPANDED STATES.

Matthew Chavez

My healing and personal growth journey began when I was diagnosed with a herniated disk in my lower back at the age of 18. Dissatisfied with traditional methods of treatment, I started looking elsewhere to find some answers to the pain I was experiencing. At first, all of my pain seemed like a curse but I eventually realized that it was an invitation to enter the portal that would guide me on my own ascension process.Throughout this journey, I became fascinated with spirituality, metaphysics, plant medicines & shamanism. Even with some great insights and profound experiences to lean on, I found myself searching for something external to remind me of my true self and fullest expression. I knew that I wanted to live and embody the teachings instead of just "knowing" it.This is when I started going deeper into breathwork, meditation, yoga, etc. I began aligning my life with the energy that I cultivated in these practices. This is when my life really started to shift and new opportunities started to open up as I stepped more fully into my truth and wholeness of my being. And this is why the EXPANDED STATES app was birthed - to support you in your journey of exploring your being, awakening your truth and embody the fullest expansion of it.


Congrats! As part of the 'Expand' membership, you now have access to exclusive content that gets updated montly!If you have already downloaded the Ascension Portal app follow the steps below.If you have not downloaded the app yet, visit: to download and get started. Or if you are using a desktop, you can open your camera app and scan the QR code below.1. Open up the app to the home screen and click "Track Now". (button on home screen or in main slide out menu).2. When you get to the Track Now screen, input this special code: 800005It may prompt you to set up a free account, which you need to access this content. Once you unlock that code, it will redirect you to the "Members Area" screen where you will now have access to your exclusive content.3. That's it! Now it's time to expand, elevate & enjoy!If for any reason you have trouble accessing your member content or have any questions, please feel free to email us at:

You are about to enter EXPANDED STATES !

Now, the only question is...
How deep are you ready to take your JOURNEY of exploration, embodiment & EXPANSION???

THE 'EXPLORE' membership includes...
access to exclusive:

  • Full library of Breathwork journeys (3 mins to 45 mins)

  • Kundalini & Yin Yoga practices (10 mins to 60 mins)

  • Guided meditations, Yoga Nidra, Sound baths, etc. (3 mins to 40 mins)

  • Monthly content updates!

  • 20+ Journal Prompts for expression & healing

  • Discounts on Live virtual events/workshops

  • Tons of inspiration & affirmations that can be used daily.

  • Articles, videos, tips & more.

Only $7.99 per month or $67 per year

Choose between a monthly or yearly membership


And much more!

coming soon!

The 'EMBODY' membership includes:

  • Everything from the 'EXPLORE' membership

  • Exclusive monthly workshops with one of our guides

  • Access to all courses, challenges and portals

  • Discounts on 1:1 offers with our guides

Only $22 per month or $188 per year!

The EXPAND membership is our V.I.P experience for those who are ready for deep expansion.

The 'EXPAND' Membership includes:

  • All perks from previous membership tiers

  • (1) monthly VIP coaching call w/ app founder, breathwork guide & somatics coach - Matthew Chavez (option to uprade for more support)

  • Access to exclusive SOMATICS modules

  • Access to upcoming 'ASCEND' course modules

Only $125 per month, contact for yearly option